I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I know who I am. I know God's plan. I'll follow him in faith. I believe in the Savior, Jesus Christ. I'll honor his name. I'll do what is right; I'll follow his light. His truth I will proclaim.

I Know that My Redeemer Lives!

I Know that My Redeemer Lives!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Gospel Message Day 325

Priesthood Power – Part 3

Today was an extremely momentous day for me—my baby brother was sealed for time and all eternity in the temple. In these Gospel topics, I have blogged a lot about the temple and temple ordinances. These wonderful temple ordinances are only possible because of Priesthood power and those authorized to use the power to perform those ordinances. I have watched my brother grow up from the moment I met him before he was a whole day old. I have watched him achieve many great and amazing things, some of which relating to the fact that he kept himself worthy to hold the Priesthood. He has honored it and used it well up to this point. And now he has married his best friend, and the Priesthood will help him serve and grow in ways and opportunities he has never had before.

I love my little baby. Today was a hard day filled with so much joy. Because I couldn’t believe I was seeing that little baby all grown up and gettin’ married. (Yes—I’m channeling Mu Shu there.) Amazing and a little tough to see him embarking on a part of life that I have absolutely no experience with. Growing up, moving on, progressing. Some times I feel left behind. But just because I haven’t had that blessing in my life doesn’t mean I want others to be kept from it. Especially this “little” guy that I want all the best for. He is definitely on his way with all things blessed and fabulous—including his new wife. And it makes me even more hopeful for them and their marriage because it is blessed by and with Priesthood power.

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