I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I know who I am. I know God's plan. I'll follow him in faith. I believe in the Savior, Jesus Christ. I'll honor his name. I'll do what is right; I'll follow his light. His truth I will proclaim.

I Know that My Redeemer Lives!

I Know that My Redeemer Lives!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Gospel Message Day 284

Gratitude, Part 8

I've been thinking all day about various things, and I've felt that I really need to try more to look outward. I read a couple of Conference talks to get me some ideas of where to get started. And I came across this paragraph, which was so pertinent to my current topic:

"[S]ervice is the principal way of showing gratitude to the Savior. We need to fill ourselves up with gratitude for His redeeming love, His infinite atoning sacrifice, His obedience to the will of the Father. As we become full of gratitude, it overflows into service, and “inasmuch as [we] have done it unto one of the least of these [his] brethren, [we] have done it unto [Him].” (Matt. 25:40.)

I love that. We can show gratitude to so many in so many ways. And one would think that being obedient was a way to show gratitude. But it isn't so much. Obedience reflects our desire and efforts to return to our Heavenly Father. But service goes beyond that. Service is a reflection of our gratitude. "Because I have been given much, I too must give" is the perfect hymn to illustrate that.

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