Day 310
Today, I got to hear from President Osguthorpe, President of the Church's Sunday School. An amazing fireside. I felt the Spirit strongly and learned a great deal. So many things I would like to implement to help me be a better teacher and help the students learn much. I loved how he pointed out that education came from a Latin word that meant to bring forth, not to put in.
But what I am most, most grateful for today has to be my father. It is his birthday. And you know how nostalgic and emotional and sentimental I can be. Yeah. Birthdays of my parents are very special for me. Without them, there would be no me. And my father's birth was vital, as it affected my physical birth in this life, as well as my spiritual birth. And that spiritual birth was two fold.
1. His choices in life brought him to accepting the Gospel, which many years later would lead to an eternal marriage with my mother and the two of them working together to raise us children in the Gospel. So I acquired the beginnings of my knowledge and testimony from my father and mother until I was able to move on with those in my own progression. Of course, they are still there to help me with the Gospel.
2. My father is also the one who performed the actual ordinance of my baptism. This was very special for me, and a day I will never forget. It became even more special to me a few years ago when I realized I was his last child to baptize for their own ordinance (since the brother just older than me baptized the brother younger than me). That doesn't make me any more special, it just makes my baptism more special to me. Hard to explain, but when can a sentimental person explain themselves?
I love my dad in so many ways. I don't really know how to tell or show him without it feeling overly mushy or silly. But I hope he knows all the same.
I love you, Dad.
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