I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I know who I am. I know God's plan. I'll follow him in faith. I believe in the Savior, Jesus Christ. I'll honor his name. I'll do what is right; I'll follow his light. His truth I will proclaim.

I Know that My Redeemer Lives!

I Know that My Redeemer Lives!

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Gospel Message Day 353

Atonement - Sins, Part 2

When I started the topic today, it occurred to me that share a song. There are a few I could pick from. But this is one of my very favorites. It actually covers all aspects of the Atonement. But the chorus is especially for the mistakes, the sins, the wrongs that we commit in this life.

Every earthly sorrow; every mortal pain
Every sinner’s anguish; the bitterness of shame
The weakness and the heartache that burden all mankind
For these the Savior suffered, for these He bled and died
And the lost and fallen multitudes of all the earth
Are ransomed by His offering of love
But if I alone had stumbled; if I alone had strayed
If I alone had wandered from the straight and narrow way
If I alone bore guilt for which my all could never atone
He would have come for me
For me alone
Tears of all creation; every debt unpaid
Warfare of the nations; every trust betrayed
Every falsehood uttered; every truth denied
For these the Savior suffered, for these He bled and died
And the lost and fallen multitudes of all the earth
Are ransomed by His offering of love
But if I alone had stumbled; if I alone had strayed
If I alone had wandered from the straight and narrow way
If I alone bore guilt for which my all could never atone
He would have come for me
For me alone
For love of all God’s children Christ redeemed us from the fall
His mercy without measure is sufficient for us all
But if I alone had stumbled; if I alone had strayed
If I alone had wandered from the straight and narrow way
If I alone were foolish; if I alone were frail
If I alone had faltered when the power of hell assailed
If I alone bore guilt for which my all could never atone
He would have come for me
For me alone

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