I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I know who I am. I know God's plan. I'll follow him in faith. I believe in the Savior, Jesus Christ. I'll honor his name. I'll do what is right; I'll follow his light. His truth I will proclaim.

I Know that My Redeemer Lives!

I Know that My Redeemer Lives!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Let Me Count the Ways

Day 220

There are a few things I could choose for today:

*I finished 3/5 more of one of my goals for the year. I set so many, and yet changes (like work) will keep me from fulfilling quite a few (like yesterday's race that I'd been wanting to run again since I crossed the finish line last year). Still, my goal to complete 5 projects using my sewing machine is almost done. I hemmed 3 pairs of pants today.

*I hemmed 3 pairs of pants today, and didn't do a horrible job on them, considering my skill level. One reason I am so reluctant to ever hem pants is because it's really hard to measure them when you're wearing them. But I need pants quite badly. I'm down to 3 pairs--none of which really fit. One pair I've had for 8 years, and the another I've had for 10. So the acquisition of 3 pairs over the last year (2 from just this summer) has required the need to hem. And I did all 3. And now I have pants to wear--even though one already requires a belt. (And that's a whole different story there--me about to start wearing a belt. Wow.)

*Major vanity today. I wore what I have already started to call "My Birthday Dress," though occasionally think of it endearingly as "the Blood Clot Dress." I love this dress. I love how I was able to modify and it still looks good. I love how I feel in it. I love the fabric. I love the colors. I love the style. I love the dress. And I thought I looked good in it. I was too anxious to wait in wearing the dress. So I wore it today. And no one said a thing. Not. One. Thing. Not even a notice that I was wearing an actual new dress. OK, OK. So not everyone remembers my outfits as I may remember theirs. But I had hoped someone would say something about this dress that I already love so much. Then I began to worry that perhaps it wasn't modest, even though I'd tried. My roommate has told me it is, but I'm still wondering. I did get some looks from people from both family wards and the branch. I'm not the best at interpreting looks, so I don't know if they were anything, or if I'm paranoid. I don't know. It definitely was disheartening that no one said a thing. But then, the bright side was that I loved the dress so much and how I look and feel in it, that I (mostly) brushed that away. (Though I'm still a teensy about the modest factor.)

*I got to play the piano today. I was asked to fill in in Sacrament, and then filled in for Relief Society, too. I love playing the hymns. And I miss being able to play for meetings. It adds an entirely different element to my worship on Sundays.

*I was released from my calling as Relief Society 2nd Counselor, over Education. And there wasn't a calling waiting for me. There won't be for at least one week. And as this is my last week of full-on Summer Reading and I've been sporting a slight headache for the last 2 weeks and I feel I'm going to pass out from exhaustion with any step--I'm thrilled to be calling free for one week! Don't worry. I'm not about to shirk any and all responsibilities. I'm just enjoying the one week of not having to stress so much in that particular area of my life.

*My lima bean concoction for dinner was marvelous.

*I now know how to dispose of the random giant toy that was "given" to me a few days ago.

*The headache did not worsen throughout the day.

*The Mormon Channel podcast of a conversation with Sister Beck and her daughters was wonderful and something I very much needed.

But what was most wonderful and joyous about today?

That I had all of those things to list.

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