I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I know who I am. I know God's plan. I'll follow him in faith. I believe in the Savior, Jesus Christ. I'll honor his name. I'll do what is right; I'll follow his light. His truth I will proclaim.

I Know that My Redeemer Lives!

I Know that My Redeemer Lives!

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

LDS Hymn #45

One of the short hymns, often chosen because of its length. Written by an Apostle. A very simple message of pleading and promising to our Father. I would list my favorite lines, but I love them all. It is so beautifully poetic and the sentiments conveyed hit home perfectly for me.

From the history book
The tune used for this hymn was originally written by Evan Stephens and was in the 1927 hymnal. In the hymnbook revising, the committee suggested leaving this one out because it was never sung. But the composer Schreiner didn't want that because these were words of an Apostle. So he went to Elder Widstoe proposing a title change (because its original was a bit negative: "Father! Lead Me Out of Darkness") and adjust a few words. Elder Widstoe, however, had written in to be sung by someone not of the LDS faith, who is in darkness. Brother Schreiner was able to help him see how the song might not work so well if sung after an enlightening message to the Saints. The rearrangement of words changed its meter, so Tracy Cannon asked Schreiner to supply a new tune. I like that history!


  1. 1. Lead me into life eternal
    By the gospel's holy call.
    Let thy promise rest upon me;
    Grant me ready strength for all.
  2. 2. Father, all my heart I give thee;
    All my service shall be thine.
    Guide me as I search in weakness;
    Let thy loving light be mine.
  3. 3. Hear me as I pray in meekness;
    Let my strength be as thy day.
    Give me faith, the greater knowledge;
    Father, bless me as I pray.
  4. Text: John A. Widtsoe, 1872-1952. (c) 1948 IRI
    Music: Alexander Schreiner, 1901-1987. (c) 1948 IRI

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