I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I know who I am. I know God's plan. I'll follow him in faith. I believe in the Savior, Jesus Christ. I'll honor his name. I'll do what is right; I'll follow his light. His truth I will proclaim.

I Know that My Redeemer Lives!

I Know that My Redeemer Lives!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

One blessing of fasting

The hymn in today's Family Scripture Study coincided quite well. I've been going through the hymns in order, and today's happened to be #139, In Fasting We Approach Thee. Being one of the 2 songs specifically about fasting, I'm of course familiar with it. Certain phrases ring in my mind when I think on it. But today, as I sang, verse 2 had so much more significance. 

Thru this small sacrifice, may we
Recall that strength and life each day
Are sacred blessings sent from thee--
Fill us with gratitude, we pray.

I knew, but really hadn't before pondered and fully thought on how the tiny sacrifice of fasting can help me be grateful for the good health and physical body that I am blessed with. I have plenty of physical problems, but I am still able to do much. For that I am grateful. 

What have I to complain about a little pain in the knees when I can still not only walk, but am blessed to run again? What have I to complain of a little heart tremor when I am still not restricted from anything, and perhaps it is just a gentle reminder of how reliant I am upon the Lord in all things especially life itself? What have I to complain of a little pudge here or there, or being shorter than average, or having crooked knees, or, well, anything? I have a body that has comparatively few restrictions of living life to its fullest and ablest. And if a few things don't look as good as they could, or work as well as they might, then I can use those as reminders to work my best to care of what I have been entrusted with, be grateful for what I do have, and remember those who have so many more debilitating physical things than I. 

The rest of the hymn was also very good, as it brought to mind the article from April's 2009 Ensign about fasting which I read last week in preparation for today. It felt good this week to have much more of a focus on the actual principles of the fast, as well as my personal fast today. I hope to remember the lessons and continue to apply and increase my knowledge, understanding, and practice of the fast. 

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