I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I know who I am. I know God's plan. I'll follow him in faith. I believe in the Savior, Jesus Christ. I'll honor his name. I'll do what is right; I'll follow his light. His truth I will proclaim.

I Know that My Redeemer Lives!

I Know that My Redeemer Lives!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Conference Quiz

[from my online journal]:

I know somewhere in this journal I've mentioned how in my family we often had Conference quizzes. If we "passed," we got a really nice dessert. Since I don't have kids of my own, yet, I thought I'd come up with a quiz for all of you. Now, technically, I ask you and you look through your notes and give me your answer right away so I can move to another kid. But as we are in this electronically distant phase, I will give you a day or two. Now that you can re-watch them fairly easily, most of those you can find answers to even if you weren't able (or don't like) to take notes.

  1. Who was the 4th Speaker of the 4th session? (Priesthood is counted as a session) Bonus: What is their leadership position?
  2. What was the topic of the last speaker's talk in the 2nd session?
  3. Who provided the music for the 3rd session?
  4. Who spoke specifically about temples--as a main topic? (More than one answer. Pick one.) Bonus: List all 3.
  5. What was the Choir & Congregation number for the 5th session?
  6. Who said the opening prayer of the 1st session?
  7. Who quoted Elder Wirthlin's last Conference talk "Come What May--and Love It?"
  8. Who spoke about Change? Bonus: What session did they speak in?
  9. Who conducted the 2nd session?
  10. Which member of the 12 apostles spoke in the 3rd session?
  11. Whose son spoke in Conference? Bonus: what was his name? BONUS bonus: What position as a child is he?
  12. What was the 3rd song the choir sang in the 4th session (without congregation)? Bonus: Where does this song "originate" in LDS hymnody?
  13. In the Stats report, how many missionaries were mentioned? Bonus: give 3 more statistics given.
  14. Who was the newly called 2nd counselor in the Sunday School Presidency (who happened to be an EFY speaker at my one-and-only EFY!!!)?
  15. What was the opening song of the 2nd session?
  16. How many times did Pres. Monson speak?
  17. Cite the Book of Mormon of the scripture that Pres. Eyring quoted (and happens to be one of my favorites).
  18. Who spoke about selfless service?
  19. Who spoke about overcoming temptations, particularly financial ones?
  20. What were Elder Pearson's 6 (actually--I technically counted 8!) Destructive D's? 
  21. Who spoke particularly about member missionary work?
  22. Who spoke particularly to the youth (both genders)? 
  23. Who spoke about reverence and respect--particularly pertaining to Sacrament meeting? (I loved this talk!) Bonus: What was said about cell phones (which LOTS of people need to pay heed to)?
  24. Who "added" a second part to the familiar phrase "Remember who you are?" Bonus: What was the addition?
  25. Who shared experiences specifically about his wife and 2 children? (That was a very tender thing to listen to)
BONUS: What was one of your favorite talks?
BONUS: What was something you learned?
BONUS: What was something that made an impression (no need to share something sacred or personal if you do not wish to)

BONUS, BONUS, BONUS (because how would you really know this unless you read my Facebook status as of Sunday night): What was my "favorite" talk (as of now)?

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