I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I know who I am. I know God's plan. I'll follow him in faith. I believe in the Savior, Jesus Christ. I'll honor his name. I'll do what is right; I'll follow his light. His truth I will proclaim.

I Know that My Redeemer Lives!

I Know that My Redeemer Lives!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Gospel Message Day 44

In the Little Things, Part 2

This is a day late because we couldn't get the Internet to work for me and I didn't want to be a nuisance in begging to be let on. So, yep. That happens. But I still have things to talk of from my 2nd day.

*I got to sleep in. I know. I mentioned sleep the day before. But never underestimate the importance of sleep to a girl who suffers from either EB Virus or Chronic Fatigue, who works full time and tries to maintain a social life and attending to church responsibilities, etc. When I'm in a depleted state, I usually need 10-12 hours a night with a nap to help me recover. Eight hours will tide me over, but it is still difficult. So being able to sleep in with no worries, no responsibilities to get to. It is Bliss. (Ha ha ha ha--inside joke.)

*Sitting outside in beautiful weather. Even though we had the longest autumn in Utah. Indian summer was forever and quite surprising. But I still wasn't quite ready for the abrupt change to cold. The weather out here is perfect. Still in the 70s! And leaves still changing. Absolutely gorgeous.

*I had a chance to read--outside. One day I hope to have a backyard fit for relaxing in--complete with covered swing. But if I can't have that for myself right now, at least I get to enjoy the use of another's. It was delightful.

*I am with my Niephews! All 6. Out this direction, anyhow. Some I have known since they were babies. Probably the ones I'm closest to. Others I haven't been able to be around as much as the years have brought distance and busy lives. But it's nice to be among them again. And to share little jokes with them. And see how much they're growing. And get to know their personalities.

*I am with my sister. I've blogged about her before. She is amazingness. And I have been able to talk with her about all kinds of everything, which I've needed of late.

*Having time for my full morning routine--workout and Gospel study. It's been grand not being rushed to finish so I can get to work. And to be able to do strength training--that's my favorite. I love working on muscle.

*Greek food. It is so good.

*My sister has my dream home. Truly. Complete with 2 staircases, and the front staircase having a landing to twirl at. And a pool and trampoline in the yard. And the yard being absolutely brilliant. My dear little Hobbit Hole does not compare. And while I love her, she isn't what I dreamed of as I grew up. Of course, what my sister has meets the needs she has in her life. I don't have those needs. So it would just be greedy and ridiculous to have something like that for myself. My home is exactly what I need in my time of life.

Being here is like living a dream, even if only for a week. But it is a reminder of what I do have, and how blessed I am to have it. I am filled with supreme joy because my Father loves me and has blessed me beyond what I could ever deserve. Happiness and contentment are beautiful things.

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