I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I know who I am. I know God's plan. I'll follow him in faith. I believe in the Savior, Jesus Christ. I'll honor his name. I'll do what is right; I'll follow his light. His truth I will proclaim.

I Know that My Redeemer Lives!

I Know that My Redeemer Lives!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Re Shui

Day 8

I don't like cold water. Never have. It was hard to stomach--literally. I've had to endure it where possible, but the worst times are in the winter. I keep the thermostat fairly low in "my rooms." When I was on my own, it was so I could afford it. Now it's so I don't cost my landlord and lady any more money than necessary. I find that dressing in my warm, comfy, fuzzy PJs and piling on the blankets makes the cold quite bearable. But trying to drink 4-8 oz. of water when I wake? It just doesn't work in a 60 degree room.

When I lived on my own, I solved this easily by heating my water on the stove as I got ready. Then I had wonderful almost-to-boiling water to drink. Mmmm. I do love hot water. (It was not until I started taking Chinese that I learned this is a very common Chinese--of not Asian--trait.) Well, I moved to "my rooms" and as mornings worked out, I didn't often make it down to the kitchen until I was heading out the door.

But after a couple of weeks, I couldn't bare it! I might have made it through last winter, but I just can't now. And I need my water. I drink about 3 quarts a day, and my body knows if it gets less. The only way I can get the 3 (since I have to work in the many restroom breaks while at work or out-and-about) is if I make sure to drink as much of the first quart before I leave. Thus, I am trying my best to get downstairs early enough to boil my water. It works well, too, because this gives me a calmer time of getting 2-3 meals for the day ready instead of rush-rush-grab-what-I-can.

So I'm grateful for time management. I'm grateful for a stove that works. And I'm especially grateful for a nice quart of hot water that is so soothing and comforting and delicious! Yum, yum, yum.

What have you made work in order to bring you the happiness you know you will enjoy?

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